"What Do You Think of Intercultural Marriage?"

That was the question I asked my friend, when we were just fooling around with YM *wink2*

It's been awhile, yeah, since the last post. But keep the comments coming in, I've never actually thought that an assignment blogging could be so much fun! hehe. Especially when you're sharing with people of the real experience.

So back to the topic.

So she (who's name yet to be mentioned, probably won't be) is aware of intercultural marriage which occur between a couple of either different backgrounds or races. And she believes that the main challenges in this marriage would be the differences in beliefs and family opposition.

And mainly she has no problem with intercultural marriage as long as the couple can agree on their religion and the relationship between families are kept close no matter the gaps. There shouldn't be gaps anyway. It is said that children of intercultural marriage would be very SMART, and CUTE. LOL You think?


nur H.A.N.A samsudin said...

Hi all!!

Basically she agrees on spiritual agreement and understanding as the main base of a marriage, as we're discussing, the intercultural marriage.

I haven't mentioned that my friends is a Muslim, and so I don't want to sound so bias. So, next time, I'll try to get some more opinions from non-Muslims alright! Till then... world peace! Hate war.

Anonymous said...

I think as long as there is a willing to understand and accept differences intercultural marriages can be brilliant (just like mine)

I have moved to India from England to be with my husband and both of our families have been wonderful and we all could not be happier! I think it did help that I had Hindu beliefs since I was a teen and so adapting into my new Hindu family... I believe in the end if the love is strong enough it will conquer anything. (and our babies will be so cute)

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